Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Biography of Juan Perón, Argentinas Populist President

History of Juan Perã ³n, Argentina's Populist President Juan Domingo Perã ³n (October 8, 1895â€July 1, 1974) was an Argentine general who was chosen leader of Argentina multiple times: 1946, 1951, and 1973. A phenomenally gifted legislator, he had a huge number of supporters in any event, during his long stretches of outcast, from 1955 to 1973. His arrangements were generally populist and would in general kindness the average workers, who grasped him and made him the most persuasive Argentine legislator of the twentieth century. Eva Evita Duarte de Perã ³n, his subsequent spouse, was a significant factor in his prosperity and impact. Quick Facts: Juan Perã ³n Known For: Argentine general and presidentBorn: Oct. 8, 1895 in Lobos, Buenos Aires ProvinceParents: Juana Sosa Toledo, Mario Toms Perà ³nDied: July 1, 1974 in Buenos AiresEducation: Graduated from Argentinas National Military CollegeSpouse(s): Aurelia Tizã ³n, Eva (Evita) Duarte, Isabel Martã ­nez Early Life In spite of the fact that he was brought into the world close Buenos Aires, he spent quite a bit of his childhood in the unforgiving locale of Patagonia with his family as his dad took a stab at different occupations, including farming. At 16, he entered the National Military College and joined the military thereafter, choosing to be a lifelong trooper. He served in the infantry instead of the mounted force, which was for offspring of well off families. He wedded his first spouse Aurelia Tizã ³n in 1929, yet she kicked the bucket in 1937 of uterine malignant growth. Voyage through Europe By the late 1930s, Lt. Col. Perã ³n was a persuasive official in the Argentine armed force. Argentina didnt do battle during Perã ³ns lifetime; the entirety of his advancements came during peacetime, and he owed his ascent to his political aptitudes as much as his military capacities. In 1938 he went to Europe as a military eyewitness, visiting Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and different countries. While in Italy, he turned into a devotee of the style and talk of Italys Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, whom he significantly appreciated. He left Europe not long before World War II started and came back to a country in disorder. Ascend to Power: 1941â€1946 Political turmoil during the 1940s managed the eager and alluring Perã ³n the chance to progress. As a colonel in 1943, he was among the plotters who bolstered Gen. Edelmiro Farrell’s overthrow against President Ramã ³n Castillo and was granted the posts of secretary of war and afterward secretary of work. As work secretary, he made liberal changes that charmed him to the Argentine common laborers. From 1944 to 1945 he was VP of Argentina under Farrell. In October 1945, moderate enemies attempted to muscle him out, however mass fights drove by his new spouse Evita Duarte constrained the military to reestablish him to office. Evita Perã ³n had met Eva Duarte, a vocalist and on-screen character known as Evita, while they were accomplishing alleviation work for a 1944 quake. They wedded in Octoberâ 1945. Evita turned into a priceless resource during her spouses initial two terms in office. Her sympathy for and association with Argentina’s poor and oppressed were remarkable. She began significant social projects for the least fortunate Argentines, advanced womens testimonial, and actually passed out money in the boulevards to the poor. After her passing in 1952, the pope got a great many letters requesting her rise to sainthood. First Term as President: 1946â€1951 Perã ³n was chosen president in February 1946 and was a capable overseer during his first term. His objectives were expanded business and financial development, global sway, and social equity. He nationalized banks and railroads, concentrated the grain business, and raised laborer compensation. He set a period boundary for day by day hours worked and established a required Sundays-off approach for most employments. He took care of outside obligations and assembled numerous open structures, including schools and emergency clinics. Globally, he proclaimed a â€Å"third way† between the Cold War powers and figured out how to have great political relations with both the United States and the Soviet Union. Second Term: 1951â€1955 Perã ³n’s issues started in his subsequent term. Evita died in 1952. The economy deteriorated and the average workers started to lose confidence in him. His restriction, for the most part preservationists who objected to his monetary and social approaches, got bolder. In the wake of endeavoring to legitimize prostitution and separation, he was expelled. At the point when he held a convention to challenge him, rivals in the military propelled an upset that incorporated the Argentine Air Force and Navy shelling the Plaza de Mayo, the focal square in Buenos Aires, slaughtering very nearly 400. On Sept. 16, 1955, military pioneers held onto power in Cordoba and drove Perã ³n out on Sept. 19. Outcast: 1955â€1973 Perã ³n went through the following 18 years in a state of banishment, predominantly in Venezuela and Spain. Despite the fact that the new government made any help of Perã ³n unlawful (counting in any event, saying his name out in the open), he kept up extraordinary impact over Argentine legislative issues, and applicants he bolstered every now and again won decisions. Numerous government officials came to see him, and he invited them all. He figured out how to persuade the two nonconformists and moderates that he was their best decision, and by 1973,â millions were clamoring for him to return. Come back to Power and Death: 1973â€1974 In 1973, Hã ©ctor Cmpora, a substitute for Perã ³n, was chosen president. When Perã ³n flew in from Spain on June 20, in excess of 3 million individuals swarmed the air terminal to invite him back. It went to catastrophe, be that as it may, when conservative Peronists started shooting at left-wing Peronists known as Montoneros, executing at any rate 13. Perã ³n was effectively chosen when Cmpora ventured down, however right-and left-wing Peronist associations battled transparently for power. Ever the smooth government official, he figured out how to save a top on the viciousness for a period, yet he kicked the bucket of a cardiovascular failure on July 1, 1974, after just a year back in power. Inheritance Its difficult to exaggerate Perã ³ns inheritance in Argentina. As far as effect, he positions with pioneers, for example, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. His image of legislative issues even has its own name: Peronism. Peronism endures today in Argentina as an authentic political way of thinking, joining patriotism, global political autonomy, and a solid government. Cristina Kirchner, who filled in as president from 2007 to 2015, was an individual from the Justicialist Party, a branch of Peronism. Like each other political pioneer, Perã ³n had his good and bad times and left a blended heritage. On the in addition to side, a portion of his achievements were noteworthy: He expanded essential rights for laborers, limitlessly improved the foundation (especially as far as electrical force), and modernized the economy. He was an able government official on great footing with both the East and the West during the Cold War. One case of Perã ³ns political abilities were his relations with the Jews in Argentina. Perã ³n shut the ways to Jewish movement during and after World War II. Once in a while, be that as it may, he would make a generous open motion, for example, permitting a boatload of Holocaust survivors to enter Argentina. He got great press for these motions however never changed his approaches. He likewise permitted many Nazi war hoodlums to discover place of refuge in Argentina after World War II, making him one of the main individuals on the planet who figured out how to remain on great standing with Jews and Nazis simultaneously. He had his faultfinders, be that as it may. The economy in the end deteriorated under his standard, especially as far as farming. He multiplied the size of the state administration, setting a further strain on the national economy. He had dictatorial inclinations and taken action against restriction from the left or the privilege on the off chance that it fit him. During his time in a state of banishment, his vows to dissidents and preservationists made trusts in his arrival that he couldnt convey. He wedded for the third time in 1961 and made his better half, Isabel Martã ­nez de Perã ³n, his VP to begin his last term, which had lamentable outcomes after she accepted the administration upon his demise. Her ineptitude urged Argentine commanders to hold onto force and commencement the gore and restraint of the alleged Dirty War. Sources Alvarez, Garcia, Marcos. Lã ­deres polã ­ticos del siglo XX en Amã ©rica Latina Rock, David. Argentina 1516-1987: From Spanish Colonization to Alfonsà ­nJuan Perã ³n Biography. Reference book Brittanica.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Electronic Journals And Scholarly Communication Essay Research free essay sample

Electronic Diaries And Scholarly Communication Essay, Research Paper Electronic Diaries and Scholarly Communication In ongoing mature ages, insightful imparting has for all intents and purposes detonated into the online electronic universe. This has carried a figure of undeniable advantages to the academic conveying system each piece great as foregrounding a figure of wasteful aspects and blocks to the full sending of data designing. In any case, the explosion has other than brought a cluster of unsuspecting chronicles refering the transformative power of data building. These narratives, however well meaning, do non loan to a sociological worry of data building as a rule, or its result on the insightful conveying methodology all the more explicitly. So as to build up our misgiving of the applicable issues, a basic and exact investigation will require to be attempted so as to procure free from the social qualities that have obfuscated the examination of data designing thusly far. Presentation ( 1 ) In only a couple of short mature ages the Internet has seen a sensational developing in the whole of insightful stuff accessible. Some feeling of the pace of developing of electronic journals is given by the Association of Research Librarians index of electronic journals. [ 1 ] In 1991 there were 110 journals and scholarly newssheets recorded in their index. This developed to 133 out of 1992, 240 of every 1993, 400 out of 1994 ( Okerson, 1994 ) and 700+ in 1995. There has other than been particular developing in the figure of refereed electronic journals from 74 out of 1994 to 142 out of 1995 ( Okerson, 1995 ) . Free thinker electronic journals are no longer totally on the Internet. A twine of ventures has set a capturing entirety of literary stuff on-line for buy or direct recovery. For representation distribution organizations and University imperativenesss ( Duxbury, 1994 ) , recognizing both the guarantee and hazard of electronic distribution, have started to set up store on the internet. In add-on, there are a figure of ventures intended to imitate definitive and present day messages by computerized creative mind or SGML [ 2 ] markup. [ 3 ] The EJS has encountered comparative developing. From irregular course to the WWW server only over a twelvemonth prior when the journal was established, we are presently seen by more than 1500 people every month from 38 states around the universe. Most paperss are served to the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany and Sweden. Anyway dish by different states is consistently expanding. [ 4 ] Curiously however, the EJS remains for all intents and purposes the solitary journal committed to humanism on the internet. At the clasp of this origin, the Yahoo record [ 5 ] , all things considered thought about the most complete list for the WWW, of Sociology Journals contains two postings. One is for the Electronic Journal of Sociology and the other for a Magyar journal entitled Replika. In this paper, I will flexibly a review of the issues environing the outgrowth of electronic journal distribution while attempting to relate them to our involvement with the Electronic Journal of Sociology. A portion of these issues are clear and remember the route for which e-distribution is voyaging, the advantages of electronic distribution, and the obstacles to its full organization. These I will cover with in the initial two regions of the paper. Anyway there are flows in the rising contentions which are firmly suggestive of the well known and semi-scholastic eulogiums to the transformative and radical effect of designing and data building ( Toffler, 1980 ; 1990 ; Levy, 1984 ; 1992 ; McLuhan, 1969 ) . These cases are as faulty now as they have ever been. Hence an additional endeavor will be to flexibly an antithesis to what aggregates to a noncritical belief of the talk on radical modification in accordance with the explosion of electronic distribution. Advantages ( 5 ) Printing insightful stuff electronically conveys with it a figure of broadly perceived advantages. Practically those who care to see on the theme recognize the exceptionally ease of bring forthing electronic writings, the high speed at which results can be circulated, and the complex dish to scholastic stuff through chase devices and database maps that is conceivable with electronic distribution ( Readings, 1994 ) as advantages liable to sincerely question customary habits of pass oning insightful data. To be sure, many have remarked on the probable demise of convention paper based insightful distribution ( Harnad, 1991 ; Naylor and Harnad, 1994 ) in the accompanying 10 to 50 mature ages and some ( Harnad 1994 ) have endeavored to surge the twenty-four hours when all scholastic distribution is done electronically. The worry to get free of conventional paper put together journals is based with respect to the affirmation that with the new engineerings, employees can oversee their ain stuff more viably than the customary distribution houses. There is other than a turning cognizance that customary distributing houses add tiny to the strategy of insightful distribution. A few so contend commandingly that it bodes well to give insightful work to distributing houses since the solitary existent guide they ever performed was to direct stuff to libraries and that this administration is non meriting the additional expense or the surrender of right of first distribution ( Ginsparg, 1994 ) . So as to comprehend this solid dismissal of the position quo of academic distribution, we will require to take a closer articulation at the kineticss and advantages of printing our work electronically. Cost In ongoing decennaries, the expense of seriess and monographs has soar and the figure of library acquisitions has stayed consistent or declined. [ 6 ] This lifting cost of diary distribution, combined with the hazardous developing in inquire about and the specialist explosion of paper journals in the various subjects, [ 7 ] has made it incomprehensible for most libraries to keep an exhaustive decision of writing. [ 8 ] This fundamentally negates the turning interest for data spoke to by turning specialization in many subjects. Basically, the requests of bookmans can non be met by the present paper based distribution framework. These components have joined to make extreme power per unit region to happen interchange methods of overseeing scholastic stuff. Printing journals electronically vows to flexibly an answer for what some have named an emergencies. There can be no vulnerability that printing an electronic journal costs not as much as printing a paper journal. [ 9 ] At the extremely insignificant, printing and typesetting costs are wiped out. Notwithstanding, e-distribution other than conveys with it the conceivable to oversee submitted messages electronically. This possibly takes out the interest for a figure of go betweens or bolster places. As great, it diminishes or disposes of mail costs. As opposed to trusting on a figure of middle people, editors who get passages electronically can just send on sections to peer arbitrators who so make a discretionary printout of the paper and email their comments back to the proofreader. Acknowledged records can other than be taken care of electronically again essentially cut bringing down overseeing costs and managerial working cost. # 8220 ; Typesetting, # 8221 ; which in the electronic universe entireties to nil more than orchestrating the papers and change overing it to ASCII, HTML, TEI, TeX, or Postscript for dispersion, should be possible either by the manager or by low maintenance segment assistant. Anyway there is other than the intensity to smooth out this system much further. Since the writings are electronic, it is a relatively straightforward issue to create bundle or word processor macros that aid the progress method. Should editors take this way, the space for the most part connected with publication aides can be disposed of entirely. ( 10 ) Further retirement funds can be had by take bringing down the stylish models of scholastic distribution. Odlyzko ( 1994 ) contends that the pretty page covers, tastefully charming page designs, and article and honor normalization are antiques of an arrangement of insightful distribution one time expelled from the bookmans themselves. He more remote contends that if bookmans were given the genuine expense of providing these segment administrations, they may in reality decide to secure by without. A couple of mature ages prior, intense lessenings in the expenses of journals would hold implied venturing out from Cadillacs to bicycles, with journals abiding of stapled accumulations of mimeographed transcripts. Notwithstanding, with the progresss in building depicted in old developments, we can now simple travel to something that is in any event at the level of a Chevy in extravagance, and in add-on has the crosscountry capablenesss of a chopper # 8230 ; . A large number of the attributes of the bing framework would be gone, as a run of the mill paper may be prepared by simply an individual redacting Renaissance man who might join a considerable lot of the elements of today # 8217 ; s editors, transcript editors, and editors. The consistency of visual part of records in a journal may be gone. Would that be an incredible misfortune, however? Ought to non the unit of insightful distribution be the single paper, and non the journal issue? For cumbersome paper distributions, it was n ormal to fold up them into bigger groups. A large portion of the clasp, however, a researcher peruses or even skims simply a pair of articles for each issue. Since a large portion of the writing looking for includes going between various journals with various organizations, why whine to keep up unvarying way in every journal? An unvarying way of journal specifies other than adds to the nature of present distributions. In any case, just how important is it, and how significant will it be in the great beyond, when each notice may hold a hypertext nexus to the paper being referenced, or if nothing else something like the URL reference? The solitary significant expenses related with printing stuff electronically are those associa

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Factors Affecting Full Recovery from Anorexia

Factors Affecting Full Recovery from Anorexia Eating Disorders Print What Factors Influence Full Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa? By Susan Cowden, MS facebook linkedin Susan Cowden is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Susan Cowden, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 31, 2020 More in Eating Disorders Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention Anorexia nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening illness that often has a long course. Although many people with anorexia nervosa fully recover, others will develop a chronic form of the condition which can end in death or severe medical complications.?? Researchers are looking for factors that might help (or hinder) full recovery from anorexia. Identifying these factors can hopefully help medical and mental health professionals determine the best treatment for each person with the condition. Learn some of the factors that may influence whether or not someone will fully recover from anorexia nervosa. Duration of Illness One of the primary predictors for recovery from anorexia is a short duration of symptoms and illness prior to treatment.?? In other words, the longer a person has anorexia symptoms before starting treatment and entering recovery, the more likely it is that the illness will become chronic or that medical complications will develop. For this reason, eating disorders must be screened for in high-risk populations, and parents and other caregivers should not ignore symptoms. Many patients do not believe they are ill and therefore may not think they need treatment. Male patients and those from marginalized and underserved communities often dont receive early intervention and treatment for eating disorders.?? Depression Many people with eating disorders also have symptoms of one (or more) other mental health conditions, such as depression. Its not uncommon for people with anorexia nervosa to report they experienced symptoms of depression prior to the onset of the eating disorder. Others may have only developed additional mental health symptoms after their eating disorder started. Medical and mental health professionals need to be prepared to identify and treat depression in addition to anorexia nervosa. A 2014 study found that persistent and chronic anorexia symptoms are more likely to develop in people who experienced symptoms of depression before they developed an eating disorder.?? Relationship with Parents Research has also demonstrated that people with supportive and positive parental relationships are more likely to achieve recovery. On the other hand, people who have a negative relationship with family, or who have extremely critical parents, appear to be more likely to experience anorexia nervosa as a chronic illness.?? Providers should recognize that families with a child who has an eating disorder may appear to have poor relationships when they are actually responding to a crisis. This underscores the importance of involving parents in the treatment process, whether through family therapy or family-based treatment. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder As with depression, many people with anorexia nervosa also experience obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) alongside their eating disorder. Some research indicates the two conditions could share a genetic link.?? Research has shown that co-existing OCD is linked with poorer outcomes in the recovery of anorexia nervosa. The link is yet another reason why its necessary for treatment providers to screen for and address additional mental health symptoms in people with eating disorders. Vomiting and Purging Behaviors Binging and purging is a subtype of anorexia nervosa in which people engage in self-induced vomiting or other purging behaviors. It is similar to another eating disorder called bulimia nervosa.   People with anorexia nervosa who binge and purge may also be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and may be more likely to experience a chronic eating disorder course.?? Seeking Help Anorexia recovery is possible and its never too late to begin the process. If you or a loved one has anorexia nervosa, its vital that you involve a team of knowledgeable, compassionate medical and mental healthcare professionals. Seeking help from a provider who has experience treating eating disorders can give someone with an eating disorder and their family invaluable resources and support on the road to recovery Anorexia Discussion Guide Get our printable guide for your next doctors appointment to help you ask the right questions. Download PDF A Word From Verywell Eating disorders can be difficult to recognize and even more complex to treat, but there is hope. Researchers continue to investigate factors that affect the course of anorexia nervosa. New information will help develop better ways to identify and treat eating disorders, as well as the other mental health conditions that often accompany them. For people with anorexia nervosa and their families, working with an informed and compassionate team of medical and mental health professionals is crucial to positive recovery outcomes. How Does Anorexia Affect the Brain?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Hero Of The Odyssey By Homer, Louis Zamperini, And The...

The trait of heroism is something that has changed over thousands of years. Today’s heros have different traits than those heroes of the Trojan War. However, a few have survived the test of time. Many of modern day heroes, as well as past heroes, do hold these long enduring traits, like Nelson Mandela, Marcus Luttrell, Louis Zamperini, and the fictional Iron Man. Odysseus, the main character in The Odyssey by Homer, portrays the traits necessary to be dubbed a hero. One is a hero if he or she shows leadership, bravery, resilience, and creativity throughout their actions. Throughout the novel, Odysseus shows leadership as he sails over the oceans with his crew. For example, the crew must pass the massive whirlpool Charybdis and the six-headed monster Scylla. The monster will eat six men per ship. Odysseus knows that six men will die if they pass too close to Scylla, or Charybdis will devour the whole ship and crew. Odysseus, the leader of the crew, makes a decision that will benefit his crews mission. He motivates his men by assuring â€Å"this danger is no worse than what we faced† before (12:227). His leadership creates a courageous atmosphere that triumphs the fear in the hearts of his men. His men row on, despite the fear, following his orders, and only lost the six men they had to lose to pass this section of road on the pathway to home. Another example of strong leadership is the exploration of the cave of the cyclops Polyphemus. The cyclops is an unknown population,

Monday, May 11, 2020

U.S. Presidents of the 1990s and 2000s (41 to 44)

You probably remember the first Gulf War, Dianas death and maybe even the Tonya Harding scandal, but can you recall exactly who was president in the 1990s? How about the 2000s? Presidents 42 through 44 were all two-term presidents, collectively spanning nearly two and a half decades. Just think of whats happened in that time. Taking just a quick look at the terms of Presidents 41 through 44 brings back a lot of significant memories of what already might seem like not-so-recent history.   George H. W. Bush:  The senior Bush was president during the first Persian Gulf War, the Savings and Loan Bailout and the Exxon Valdez oil spill. He was also in the White House for Operation Just Cause, also known as the Invasion of Panama (and the deposing of Manuel Noriega). The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed during his tenure, and he joined all of us in witnessing the fall of the Soviet Union.   Bill Clinton:  Clinton served as president during most of the 1990s. He was the second president to be impeached, though he was not removed from office (Congress voted to impeach him, but the Senate voted not to remove him as President). He was the first Democratic president to serve two terms since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Few can forget the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but what about NAFTA, the failed health care plan and Dont Ask, Dont Tell? All of these, along with a period of significant economic growth, are marks of Clintons time in office.   George W. Bush:  Bush was the son of the 41st president and grandson of a US Senator. The September 11th terrorist attacks occurred early in his presidency, and the rest of his two terms in office were marked by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Neither conflict was resolved by the time  he left office. Domestically, Bush may be remembered for the No Child Left Behind Act and the most contentious presidential election in history, which had to be decided by a manual vote count, and ultimately the Supreme Court.   Barack Obama: Obama was the first African-American to be elected as president, and even the first to be nominated for President by a major party. During his eight years in office, the Iraq War came to an end and Osama Bin Laden was killed by US forces. Less than a year later came the rise of ISIL, and in the following year ISIL merged with ISIS to form the Islamic State. Domestically, the Supreme Court decided to guarantee the right to marriage equality, and Obama signed the highly controversial Affordable Care Act in an attempt, among other goals, to provide health care to uninsured citizens. In 2009, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize  for, in the words of the Noble Foundation, ...his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Straight-Edge and the Scene Free Essays

Straight-Edge and the Scene For some youth it’s all about the scene. What is the scene? The scene is a general reference to the music venues in which these youth participate. The straight-edge subculture is one that many may not be familiar with. We will write a custom essay sample on The Straight-Edge and the Scene or any similar topic only for you Order Now Why is this? Probably because the straight-edge lifestyle is one of the few countercultures in which the youth that is involved tries to steer clear of drugs and overindulgence. It is closely related to the hardcore/punk music scene. The straight-edge lifestyle refers to people who are involved with the hardcore/punk lifestyle but they refrain from drinking alcohol, using drugs, smoking cigarettes, and promiscuous sex. This subculture was created as a social movement against authority, drug abuse, and any type of overindulgence associated with punk rock (Kirchner, 2009). Background: the 1970’s to the Present Individuals who are straight edge take a pledge to live a drug, promiscuous, alcohol, and cruelty free lifestyle. Sometimes, this even extends into vegetarianism and veganism and Hare Krishna, a belief based on Hindu scripture (Kirchner, 2009). The basic philosophy of the straight-edge lifestyle centers around self control and regaining as much of one’s personal control over their lives as possible, by getting rid of the negative influences (Kirchner, 2009). Straight-edger’s, a common nickname, usually are involved with the environment, animal rights and pride their counterculture on keeping their focus on higher learning and a positive outlook (Wood, 2006). The straight-edge subculture emerged in the late 1970’s (Wood, 2006). The term straight-edge was coined by musician Ian MacKaye in a song called â€Å"Straight Edge† which he wrote for his band, Minor Threat. Their music was fast and powerful with angry and thoughtful lyrics, which is how straight-edge seemed to be viewed as at first. With further understanding, it was found that the straight-edge lifestyle was the opposite. In the 1970’s only a slew of prominent artists rejected drugs and alcohol and influenced the straight-edge ideology (Wood, 2006). After the term straight-edge was thrown out into the music community, many people picked up on it and many other bands for decades to come centered their music and lifestyle on the straight-edge, drug free lifestyle. Minor Threat was the first band to use the term straight edge and adopt the letter X as a representation of being straight-edge and living the lifestyle. The X symbol was believed to originate from the use of the letter on people who were underage (under 21) to symbolize that they were too young to drink at the shows and became the symbol for straight-edge by being used on album covers, as body art, and other paraphernalia (Kirchner, 2009). In the 1980’s the influence of music on the straight-edge seemed to be at an all-time high. Many bands seemed to be using the straight-edge lifestyle as a stepping stone and inspiration for their songs. During the mid-1980’s many of the vegetarianism and veganism ideas stemmed out and gripped straight-edge community members (Cogan, 2008). This propelled a trend towards animal rights and vegetarianism that would reach its peak in the 1990’s. Straight-edger’s want to be directly involved with both the music community in which they support, by either playing in a band or writing a webzine or article for the music and their regular community by helping with any aspect of it. Straight-edger’s use this subculture to move away from the stigma of destruction that hardcore and punk music seems to have veiled over the industry. Militant straight-edger’s were first identified in the early 1990’s. These individuals were characterized by less tolerance for those who were not straight-edge, more outspokenness, and more willingness to resort to violence in order to promote clean living and fight against homosexuality and abortion (Woods, 2006). This willingness to resort to violence led to some parts of the United States paying close attention to the straight-edge subculture and the subculture being treated as a gang by law officials. However, â€Å"a study done in 2006 suggests that a small minority of individuals who identify with the straight-edge subculture are violent. † (Woods, 2006: 38). In the 2000’s the straight-edge movement has become less violent and more about promoting a positive lifestyle. Straight-edge has moved out into different genres of music instead of staying specific to the punk/metal scene. The decline of aggressive behavior has been linked to the lack of a well known band leading the straight-edge movement (Irwin, 1999). The amount of tolerance from people who are straight-edge to non-straight edge participants has grown as well (Irwin, 1999). Deviant Theories Applied: Straight-Edge and Theories First, we have to ask why the straight-edge subculture is deviant. The straight-edge culture embraces moral inclination in a positive way. This subculture does not fit the â€Å"norms† of society. By abstaining from substances, sex, and other negative things, it makes this subculture stick out. If, in society, something about a group or person sticks out, they become deviant, which is departing from anything that is socially accepted or â€Å"usual† (Clinard, Meier, 2011). In the early 1990’s violence that was related to the straight-edge movement was high. Some militant actors used violence against random people and other straight-edge members who were drinking, smoking, or doing drugs in order to try and spread their substance free message. This violence was brought on because of their direct relation with the straight-edge culture. Functionalism can be used to describe this time period for the straight-edge activists. Functionalism describes how different social occurrences uphold and disturb social stability. It also claims that society needs crime to be functional and for various other reasons such as attaining group unity, innovation, and setting and preserving moral limitations. The straight-edge subculture has many moral limitations. They have a strict set of requirements that they have to follow in order to be considered straight-edge. The violence that took place by the straight-edge subculture was due to the fact that many who committed the violence, to random people or other straight-edge members, was for the preservation of their morals. Any type of substance abuse, promiscuity, and meat eating is an implicit sin for members of the straight-edge community. The disregard of these rules by both participants and non-participants in the straight-edge subculture alike were reason for some members in this group to become violent (Woods, 2006). Militant straight-edger’s used violence to try and force a straight-edge lifestyle onto others because they viewed, and for those who still use violence today, still view their lifestyle as the most morally right. The straight-edge lifestyle also indirectly calls for unity by forcing its members to follow the straight-edge lifestyle’s specific guidelines, such as not drinking. When members conflict with this or associate themselves with people who drink, smoke, or indulge in anything morally incorrect violence usually followed. In this subculture the deviance mainly applies to the push against abusing drugs, alcohol, and overindulging in any way. Why do individuals in the straight-edge community take this approach? The social learning theory may be able to explain this. The social learning theory asks how people become deviant and whether it is learned (Clinard, Meier, 2011). With this particular subculture it can be said that the majority of the straight-edge lifestyle is learned from music and peers. Many individuals who are involved in the straight-edge lifestyle found out about this lifestyle from the music scene or their friends. Others, driven to take part in the music scene, joined and others who wanted to be a part of a positive influence on their society because of music joined the straight-edge subculture (Woods, 2006). Many members of the straight-edge community became a part of it because it represented a break away from the increasing sexuality of rock music and the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution offered youth freedom and an alternative to the dating script and the straight-edge counterculture did the same (Kirchner, 2009). The straight-edge understanding embodied freedom as well. The freedoms between the two are quite different as one gave the freedom to indulge in one’s inclinations while the latter gives the freedom to make an intentional habit out of their choices to refrain from overindulgence. In society, sexual behavior is socially learned. What is acceptable and unacceptable sexually is made clear through social informative (Clinard, Meier, 2011). The straight-edge subculture tries to take sexuality back into a time where hooking-up was not the social norm. Being sexually promiscuous is frowned upon in society as well as in the straight-edge subculture. In society heterosexual deviance is an ongoing topic. The straight-edge society wants to be known for exactly the opposite of this. In society, sexual deviance is generally negative. Sometimes, women are objectified and men are a number of different things, which is why the straight-edge community rejects these ideas in order to show society that they have exerted control over their life by abstaining and â€Å"saving† their bodies (Woods, 2006). In the straight-edge society, the double tandard holds true as well because a lot of the time men who proclaim to be straight-edge may be being promiscuous at the time but can still claim the straight-edge lifestyle. A woman doing the same would no longer be looked at as straight-edge (Woods, 2006). Conclusion The straight-edge counterculture is one most interesting, yet unheard of subcultures. The reason why this subculture is so fascina ting is because of the values it represents. Although this group is vague and there are fewer members than before, the preservation of values is one of the many reasons to continue and study this fascinating unconventional group. Overindulgence is something that is common in this day and age. Drug addictions, sexual promiscuity, alcohol abuse, and other substance abuse are not shocking to hear about. These are daily occurrences that the straight-edge culture is trying to remove from their lives. From the 1970’s until now this culture has been constantly changing and rearranging itself to match the attitudes and music of the time. The straight-edge counterculture has been excellent in integrating modern ideas in with more traditional values, all while supporting the music scene. References Clinard, Marshall B. and Robert F. Meier. 2011. Sociology of Deviant Behavior. Belmont, California: Wadsworth. Cogan, Brain. 2008. The Encyclopedia of Punk. New York: Sterling. Kirchner, Michael. 2009. Edge: Perspectives on Drug Free Culture. DVD. California: Halo 8. Irwin, Darrell D. 1999. â€Å"The Straight-Edge Subculture: Examining the Youths’ the Drug Free Way. † Journal of Drug Issues. 20(2): 365 – 380. Wood, Robert T. 2006. Straightedge Youth: Complexity and Contradictions of Subculture. New York: Syracuse University Press. How to cite The Straight-Edge and the Scene, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

A Short Overview Of Hurricanes Essay Example For Students

A Short Overview Of Hurricanes Essay Hurricanes are powerful atmospheric vortices that are intermediate in size. Hurricanes are unique and powerful weather systems. The word hurricane comes from a Caribbean word meaning big wind. Views of hurricanes can be seen from a satellite positioned thousands of miles above the earth. Hurricanes originate as tropical disturbances over warm oceans with trade winds. The tropical turbances intensify into tropical depressions, and eventually into a tropical storm. They only originate in the tropical trade winds because the ocean temperatures are quite warm there. Powered from the heat that the sea gives off, they are steered by the east trade winds and the temperate west ones, as well as by their own ferocious energy. Around their core, winds grow with a tremendous amount of velocity creating violent seas. As they move toward the shore, they move the ocean inward, while spawning tornadoes and producing torrential rains and floods. For a hurricane to form, the ocean temperature must b e warmer than twenty-six degrees Celsius, or eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Also, the air near the oceans surface must be filled with moisture. The seawater that is warmed by the heat from the sun evaporates to form vast storm clouds. As the warm air rises, the cooler air replaces it thus creating a wind. The rotation of the earth bends the wind inward causing it to rotate and spiral upward with a great amount of force. Around the Equator, the spin is the fastest. There, it can be faster than six hundred miles per hour. You cannot see a hurricane all at once, unless youre looking at it from above or are looking at a picture taken by a satellite, because it is too large. The whirling mass, shaped like a donut, can be two hundred to six hundred miles wide and forty thousand to fifty thousand feet high. Towns can be ripped from the land and small countries entirely devastated by the raging winds. The eye wall is a ring of fierce thunderstorms surrounding the center of a hurricane. As the air rushes toward the center, it becomes dense with water vapor. The vapor rapidly rises and condenses, forming towering thunderstorms. The rain fall is heaviest here. Within the eye wall, the winds are the strongest. They move around so fast that it is difficult to hear, see, and even breathe. While over the ocean, these winds can create waves that are taller than three story buildings. But while they are over land, they can tear apart homes, uproot trees, and cause an enormous amount of destruction. The eye of a hurr icane is the low-pressure region in the center. The size of the eye depends on the strength of the surrounding winds. Stronger winds wrap themselves more tightly around the eye so that it becomes smaller. The average eye of a hurricane is about twenty miles wide with an oval shape although they can be round, too. Even though the eye of a hurricane is calm and sunny, it can be dangerous. People are often fooled into thinking that the hurricane has passed. They come out of their homes or shelters and the fierce winds, wall of clouds, and downpour begins again. The other side of the storm arrives and it is as violent as it was before. When a tropical disturbance appears in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, or the Gulf of Mexico, the scientists at the National Hurricane Center are put on alert. Using weather satellites, they can find the exact location of the disturbance. Also, weather balloons equipped with measuring instruments are launched twice daily around the world to help de tect spot changes in temperature and water vapor in the atmosphere. When a disturbance grows and forms a tropical storm, meteorologists give it a name taken from a list of twenty-one common male and female names. They go down the list alphabetically, alternating with male and female names. A different list is used each year for six years at which point they are repeated. Once a storm causes severe damage, its name is removed from the list and is no longer in use. Hurricane Andrew in 1992 is an example of a hurricane name that is no longer in use, and so is Hugo in 1989 and Gilbert in 1988. Once the storm is named, hurricane hunters do the dangerous job of tracking it. .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 , .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .postImageUrl , .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 , .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:hover , .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:visited , .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:active { border:0!important; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:active , .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706 .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5eef95f2ce330270c49eade446a99706:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Art Of Torture EssayNothing can divert a hurricane yet, however, meteorologists issue warnings so people in the path of a storm can evacuate the area or prepare themselves as much as possible. Strong sea defenses and hurricane shelters provide good protection.It can cost millions of dollars to evacuate an area, board homes and offices, close down businesses, and take other steps to prevent hurricane damage. If a storm doesnt arrive as predicted, people of that area are less likely to pay attention to the next hurricane warning. Scientists try to be as certain as they can about where and when a hurricane will strike before they issue watches and warnings. In the event t hat a hurricane does occur where you live, get an early start on evacuating the area. If you wait just a short amount of time, the roads and highways will be jammed with frantic people trying to reach safety. You should always listen and follow any given directions immediately. If you dont have to leave, put all the outside things that might blow away in a safe place such as lawn furniture, bicycles, and toys. Water mains can also break, so filling containers with drinking water is a good idea. Put enough to last several days. Once the storm arrives, stay inside and away from walls and windows that could collapse or be blown away. If it is during the night, have a flashlight near-by so that you can find your way around in case of a power failure. Dont use the telephone either unless its absolutely necessary. Many people may be trying to make emergency calls and the phone lines may be knocked down in some areas. Once, the All Clear is given on the radio or television by local officia ls, be careful if you have to go outside. Stay away from downed power poles, live wires, dangling tree branches, and broken water or sewer mains. Always be careful when a hurricane warning is called and dont joke around about it. dont forget to be safe and take all necessary precautions. Category: Science

Saturday, March 21, 2020

50 Words with Alternative Spellings

50 Words with Alternative Spellings 50 Words with Alternative Spellings 50 Words with Alternative Spellings By Mark Nichol What is one to do when one finds a choice of spellings in the dictionary? Most dictionaries specify the preferred variant when two or more spellings of a word are listed, but others aren’t so clear. According to Merriam-Webster’s website, the former spelling is more common than the latter for the following words and is the preferred alternative: 1. acknowledgment / acknowledgement 2. adapter / adaptor 3. adviser / advisor (but advisory) 4. aeon / eon 5. ambience / ambiance 6. amok / amuck 7. appall / appal 8. around / round 9. ax / axe 10. caliber / calibre 11. counselor / counsellor 12. doughnut / donut 13. enclose / inclose 14. enroll / enrol 15. furor / furore 16. glamour / glamor 17. gray / grey 18. impostor / imposter 19. ingrain / engrain 20. inquire / enquire 21. judgment / judgement 22. lambaste / lambast 23. likable / likeable 24. linchpin / lynchpin 25. meager / meagre 26. mollusk / mollusc 27. movable / moveable 28. ocher / ochre 29. omelet / omelette 30. opossum / possum (but playing possum) 31. pincer / pinchers 32. pixilated / pixillated (distinct from pixelated) 33. pompon / pom-pom 34. racket / racquet (but racquetball) 35. sherbet / sherbert 36. somber / somber 37. specter / spectre 38. sulfur / sulphur 39. T-shirt / tee shirt 40. theater / theatre 41. till / ’til or til 42. timbre / timber 43. vial / phial 44. woolen / woollen 45. woolly / wooly 46. yogurt / yoghurt Discussion of distinctions in alternative spellings of some other words follows: 47. Bologna is the name of the meat product; baloney is a quaint slang synonym for nonsense. 48. Lasagne is an alternate spelling for the pasta usually referred to as lasagna; the latter spelling predominates for the name of the baked dish. 49. Mic and mike are both acceptable as short versions of microphone. 50. Savannah is spelled as such only as the name of the city in Georgia or the name of a hybrid of the serval, an African cat, and the domestic cat; otherwise, it’s spelled savanna. This list omits spelling variations that are primarily distinct in usage in American English versus British English (though some, such as gray/grey and specter/spectre, are also variations divided by an ocean). See this discussion on that topic with a list of categories of spelling differences. (But it’s a stick and tricky matter, so check out the comments for input from site visitors as well.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†Writing the CenturyPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Nothing Gets Me High Like Writing

Nothing Gets Me High Like Writing Nothing gets me high and offers relief from the suffering like blackening pages, writing.  ~Leonard Cohen This is the part of our profession that we quickly forget. The sea of authors is just that. . . an undulating sea. They rise up with glee about the release of a book. . . then slide down and bottom out when the sales arent as expected. Highs and lows, but mostly about publishing. Most of them blame someone else for their writer problems. Of late Ive seen them blame: 1) Amazon algorithms 2) Amazon promoting its own imprints before other publishers 3) Amazon allowing used book sellers to appear before new books 4) Publishers being greedy 5) Self-published authors gobbling up market share 6) Or vice versa, traditional authors gobbling up market share 7) The glut of cheap sales free, 99 cents, etc. 8) A bad editor 9) Indie bookstores not wanting indie authors And in all that blame, the writer forgets why they started writing in the first place. . . for the high of sculpting words. For the joy of designing that perfect sentence. The business side of writing is in flux, and that flux changes faster and faster. Technology and creative ideas fly like bullets as writers attempt to take advantage and break loose of the fray and be seen. . . and make sales. Fight to be different than all the other people out there writing books. If we dont constantly market, we backslide. And if we constantly market, we write less. And write less quality. Most businesses will tell you to return to the basics when things are not going well. For writers, thats writing well, writing for self, and reaching for that writing high. Sink into writing. Then when its written, come up for air and publish, because if you think about publishing before you finish the book, youll be outdated in your thinking

Monday, February 17, 2020

Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Communications - Essay Example Marketing communication can be described as a tool which is utilised for the promotion and branding of a firm as well as its offerings (Govoni, 2004). The impact of organisation on the overall marketing process and marketing communication identifies the factors affecting those processes. Marketing communication can also be described as an assimilation of various ideas, designs, and campaigns in order to percolate a particular message to the target audiences. According to the traditional marketing communication, there are five major tools used in communication (Kotler, 2004). These are advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, direct marketing and public relations. Media can be described as the medium through which these communication tools reach the target audience. For a long time, a predictable and formulated mix has been used, for example, different communication and media mix is used for business-to-consumers and business-to-business audience (Williams and Cutis 2012). Tec hnology and social media have complicated the traditional marketing mix and organisations have now started to explore. Recent slowdown in the economy has increased the pressure on the already overloaded marketing department. Managers are now required to create innovative strategies with even lower budget. Every department is now accountable for the budget they get. This has also led to internal competition. Apart from that, organisations are increasingly realising the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics. Businesses have started incorporating these activities in most of their marketing and communications plans. The accountability and authenticity of these programs and campaigns are still questionable, it is clear that the marketing communication is rising from its traditional form to a more innovative, creative and comprehensive approach (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). In the current essay, a review will be done on the marketing communication tools and theories . The current disadvantages of these tools and future strategies will be discussed, with the help of relevant corporate cases. Theory and principles Based on numerous studies and research work, marketing communication theories are established. They are the result of years of consumer surveys, and analyses of the perception, changing preferences etc. The importance of these theories lies in the fact that, understanding of these theories is of immense help in formulating a strong communication strategy. Below are few of the established and widely used theories of marketing communication; AIDA Model This is one of the first models of communication strategy. AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire and action. Though in the year 1911, another factor, satisfaction was also added, the model is better known by its four factors; Attention- this is the first step of a communication process. Here the strategy is to get the attention of the customers. Presentations of revealing facts and fi gures or identification of a preliminary problem are few of the strategies which can be used in this step. Interest- once the marketer has gained attention, the next step is to generate interest and maintain it. The objective is to keep the interest of the consumer

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Tin Drum Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Tin Drum - Term Paper Example This shows Alfred a Nazi character, but it also shows that he is weak, under the influence of his wife, and not an absolutely fanatical Nazi. Hitler and Beethoven represent the cultural tensions in the family which in turn result in the young Oskar’s somewhat confused understanding of the power struggles that are going on. Oskar describes Alfred’s fondness for the visual image that the Nazi uniform presents, but the description also shows how uncomfortable it was to wear, since the strap of the cap â€Å"scraped his chin† (p. 116) and he had to get wet in the rain because he refused to use an umbrella. (p. 116) Alfred goes out to Sunday demonstrations but apart from that, there is very little change in his activities, since he still cooks, and washes up in the home as he did before. Section b. As far as we can tell from Oskar’s rather biased narrative, Alfred did not really have much of a career as a Nazi Party member. Oskar describes his motivation for jo ining the party as a natural tendency to conform to his surroundings: â€Å"he always had to wave when other people were waving, to shout, laugh and clap when other people were shouting, laughing and clapping.† (p. 152) His membership is described as â€Å"quite unnecessary, brought no benefits, and just wasted his Sunday mornings† (p. 152) and so it is obvious that Oskar trivializes and mocks Alfred’s status there. Even when Oskar mentions Alfred’s promotion, he does it in an off-hand manner: â€Å" Like all unusual happenings, his promotion was the occasion for a family skat game.† (p. 115) This is echoed later in connection with a drinking session when Alfred is grieving over the death of Agnes beneath the portrait of the Fuhrer: â€Å"the teetotaling Fuhrer was silent, because Matzerath, a drunken little unit leader, was unworthy of Providence† (p. 185). These disparaging comments show that Matzerath filled a very low rank and was of ver y little importance in the Nazi regime. Section c. The Nazi rally on a summer day in 1935 was a planned set piece which was intended to whip up support from the faithful. The way that Oskar describes it, however, subverts the intentions of the stage and the rows of flag bearing people. It is set up so that people go to a rostrum to look up in awe at the spectacle before them. Everything is regimented in straight lines, and yet the advice of Mr Bebra urges Oscar to be aware of the hidden mechanisms of power that operates during these rallies: â€Å"Always take care to be sitting on the rostrum and never to be standing out in front of it.† (p. 114) Oskar views the rostrum from behind it, which shows the mechanisms which orchestrate the event, or from underneath, where he can disrupt it without being seen. Dramatic displays like â€Å"torchlight processions and parades past rostrums† (p. 115) may look impressive from the perspective of a spectator, but the depiction in Th e Tin Drum suggests that the whole thing is a sham, and that it is better either to be fully in favour of it, and on the rostrum, or to utterly oppose it. Going with the flow, like Matzerath, is seen to be the worst option. Section d. There is a lot of symbolism in Oskar’s account of the death of Alfred Matzerath. Clearly the party membership pin that

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Skill Acquisition And Movement Control Physical Education Essay

Skill Acquisition And Movement Control Physical Education Essay The object of this paper is to describe the proccesses on which an athlete applies proccesing models, and develop those models for selection of selected sports skills. Skills are difined as an athletic ability to choose the right technique at the right time, and succefully reproduce that skill with ease and cosistancy. Motor skill learning is an active process, interrelated with cognition. Skill concepts are aspects of cognitive concept learning in physical education that focus on learning the way the body should move while performing motor skills (Gallahue Cleland, 2003). Skill is a persons degree of compitence in dealing with an action using internal and external stimulus to achieve a goal. Connolly and Brunner (1974) describe skill as indiviuals ability to consitently achieve a goal(s) under a wide variety of conditions. Motor skills learning occurs in three stages: The cognitive stage: This stage is characterised by the efforts of the learner to understand the task. In motor skills this is the stage of plan formation. A great deal of concentration and effort is required. Associative stage: During this stage the learner approaches maximum efficiency and the qualities of the task are refined. Autonomous stage: The task is performed with little, if any, conscious control. Performance becomes consistent. Motor programmes like restitution, partial restitution and substition are linked to the brain where the cognitive proccess interact with the controller (central nervous system), see figure 1. These motor programmes contain all the information required to make a movement : Which muscles that are to be to use. The order in which muscles are used to be used. The phasing and degree of contraction of muscles that will be used. skill aquisition chart fig1a.bmp Figure 1. A closed loop central system adapted from (Kelso, 1982, Adams, 1971). For instance the example of kicking a football which is inline with the movement in this paper. Skills are aquired over time, it is belived that a professional athlete at the top of their sport would of trianed over 10,000 hours, to achieve the level of skill needed to compete at elite level for thier particular sport. Williams and Hodge (2004) outlines this saying The pratcice history profiles of experts in a variety of sports suggests that an investment of over 10,000 hours of pratice is requires to reach elite levels of performance. The proccess of learning demands insight into the task and selective attention to the pertinant sources of information within the person and within the environment .Learning is traditionally defined as the proccess that results in relatively permanent changes in behaviour brought about by experience. It implies a change so profound that we have truley altered our operating knowledge base. It also implies that we have access to and have benefited from information base and analytical proccesses of the skill we have learned. We not only can perform the skill (ie, solve the problem), but we can also apply the knowlege and control accured to future behaviour (Higgins. 1991). Development of a sports skill. Information processing model is based upon the following: Input is the information from the surrounding environment which the player or athlete is aware of and uses to decide on a responce. So the environment needed to maximise this for the player/athlete would be to intorduce this to everyday sporting situations. Decision making refers to a combination of recognition, perception and memory. The player or athlete uses recognition, perception and memory to select an appropriate responce to the demands of the situation. Output is determined by the responces made and the movement which inturn become inputs in which player/athletes percive the outcome of his or her responces thus becoming the basis for further decision making. A view of the information proccessing model and its complicated links can be seen in figure 2. information proccessing model.bmp . Figure 2. Information proccessing model. Transfer of learning skills The early stages of skill learning are charaterized by a high degree of cognitive- concious invovlvement on the part ofthe learner in analyzing the motor problem or engaging in the task analysis (Higgins. 1991). The player/athlete is attempting to understand both what is expected and how to solve both the startagies and the principles of the movement, and how this is compatiable with the variables of the task. The player/athlete will not be able to engage in any motor skill behaviour until this proccess occurs. That is until the player/athlete understands the means ends relationship. The player/athlete is developing a totally complementary system for solving the problem. He or she must learn to meaningfully organize all behaviours that support the intricatley interwined information gathering and preformatory aspects of the task. At the same time, the learners performance is limited by his or her current knowledge and currently available organizational capacities (Higgins. 1991). The problem for the learner is to understand the nature of the motor problem to be solved so that a coordinated pattern of specfic movement can occurrs. So the main goal of the first phase of learning is to discover a relationship between the task variable and the movement required. The player/athlete now has to learn movement that is broken down into segement for learning with a goal in mind being the means end relationship. As the coach, they are responsible for teaching new skills and movements to players/athletes or improving their existing skill and movement levels. Learning these skills and movements is made simple if certain stargatgies as a coach are adopted in how the skill and movement are taught. The three approaches are expalined as follows: Whole Practice is the ideal situation a skill movement should be taught as a whole. The player/athlete can then appreciate the complete movement and execution of the skill. This whole method can sometimes mean the player having to handle complex movements e.g. executing a shot on goal. Part Instruction is When a skill is complex (a sequence of steps like the cruyff turn or the Beardsley shuffle), then it is more appropriate to breakdown the complex movement into its elements. The elements can then be taught separately and then linked together to develop the final skill.Focusing on the mechanics of the movement. When part instruction is used it is important that the player/athlete is demonstrated the whole skill so that they can appreciate the end product (means- end relationship) and understand how the set of parts will develop the skill. Whole Part Whole Instruction a combination of the two where the learning process becomes a more interative cycle: try the whole skill, break down in elements and train these. Finally, bringing it all back together again as one complete skill and movement. The patricular skill and movement that this paper will focus on is the components of kicking a football. Breaking the skill and movement down in to segements will help the palyer athlete understand the all variables within the skill/movement and the means-end relationship. Kicking is a complex motor task which we learn as children. The player/athletes kicking skill develops rapidly between the ages of four and six, and by the age of nine the pattern is mature it does not develop further (Barfield, 1998). Acquring mature patterns of fundamental movement skills during early childhood is necessary for succesful participation in games and sport (Rink, 2002). Figure 3 shows how the particular movement of the kick is broken down at this early stage of learning. kick2.bmp Figure 3. The componets of the kick adapted from (Barfield, 1998). The ultimate goal of breaking the skill/movement down is to effect change in the behaviour of the player/athlete. The most common biomechanical difference between the elite and novice footballer is that elite footballers use a refined and consistent movement pattern where novices use a variable and inconsistent one (Phillips, 1985). If the componets are broken down further to what muscles perform and which actions they perfom, it becomes clear that movements originated from the control centres as described on p.3 and that motor programmes are linked with the storage of this information to repeat the same movement in the future. Figure 4 shows the break down of the body part, the muscle and actions they perform. Body Part Muscle Action Trunk Abdominals, psoas major, erector spinae and spinal Postural muscles. Stabilisation of rotation to the right. Right Hip Gluteus maximus and Hamstring group. Extension. Left Hip Gluteus med, gluteus min, hamstring group and adductor Magnus. External rotation and eccentric extension. Right Knee Hamstring group and popliteus. Flexion. Left Knee Quadriceps group. Eccentric extension. Right Ankle Plantar flexors. Plantar flexion. Left Ankle Plantar flexors. Eccentric plantar flexion. Left Shoulder Middle and anterior deltoid and supraspinatus. Abduction. Figure 4. The muscular action during kicking preparation (right-footed kick), adapted from (Barfield, 1998). Some Players/athletes need additional input from visual stimulus, in the use of video play back of the movements they have performed. This enables them to break down an analyse their movements in a third person perspective (looking on as the coach sees it). This then enables the player/athlete to then adjust to the slightest millimeter, making the acquisition of that movement or skill more refined. Thus installing a new motor programme for that particular movement. Other players/ athletes use verbal language as additional stimulus in the form of command and propmts to change the movement. In additon some players/athletes use both as additional stimulus, other stimuli can come from intrumental learning. This proccess installs variables on how players/athlete respond to the stimulus from the caoch and the environment around them. Instrumental learning is also called operant conditioning and based on rewards and punishments in order to strengthening the responses that lead to positive outcomes and the avoidance of negative outcomes. For example if a player/athlete is priased for achiveing a certain movement then they will be more likely to attain that movment. So in theory prasing the athlete for correct practice encourages them to consistanly perform the variables and movement more efficent. Instrumental conditioning is of the opinion children may have attitudes about topics they do not fully understand (e.g., tactics,managaement), but they may hold similar attitudes as their adults counterparts up until thier teen year In their later teens. Subsequently, teens begin to evaluate attitudes and views independent of parents attitudes and views. So in the terms that they say they cannot complete the gaol or task, it may be the fact that they do not wish to complete the goal or task as they know they may already be able to acheive the task. See figure 5 for a model of instrumental conditioning. Figure 5. Model of Instrumental Conditioning Instrumental Conditioning involves three key elements, these are: a response an outcome (the reinforcer) a relation, or contingency, between the R and O The Instrumental Response is usually an arbitrary motor response and there are limits on the types of responses that can be modified by instrumental conditioning relevance, or belongingness, is an issue in instrumental conditioning as well as in Pavlovian conditioning. Conclusion Cognitive and motor proccess are at the essence of learning, their complex structures and proccess allow the player/athlete to store cognitive and motor programmes for the future. Skills and movement are repeated through cloosed loops and information processes. A skill developed during the process of learning, behaviour tends to develop efficiency. That is, there is a tendancy towards consistent application of underlying set of principles that are mechanically, environmentally and psychologically-morphologically derived and task specific (Higgins, 1991).These principles are certainly observed as variant characteristics of movement. Movements are in essence strucutred around congnitive and motor programs. In turn motor skills are the ability to use movement as a problems solving tool. The demands met by this are inherent within the tasks encountered by the player/athlete, and must be analyzed, understood and resolved in a self referential fashion.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Bernard Madoff Fraud

Abstract This report allows the facts to be known concerning the still mysterious case of Bernard L. Madoff and his longtime investment securities activities, which eventually turned into an enormous fraud of incomparable size. In this report, you will begin to understand how Bernard Madoff was able to execute such an elaborate fraud. The illegal business behavior found in this case is too numerous to count however, quite a few will be identified. In addition, the roles of the perpetrators, accomplices, and their involvement in this scheme will be made known.This fraud had such an enormous impact on the victims, we will examine several implementations that the private investors could have implemented to protect themselves. An assessment of the perpetrators motives and the identity of some internal controls that could have deterred or prevented the fraud from occurring will be explored also. We will discover the action of the SEC and document how the fraud was discovered and investiga ted, including what should have been identified as â€Å"red flags†. And finally, a variety of legal actions arose when the Madoff fraud was uncovered, which is leading to more litigation currently and in the future.The Bernard Madoff’s Fraud Introduction Bernard L. Madoff was the mastermind and the admitted operator of the biggest Ponzi scheme in American History. His Ponzi scheme is considered to be the largest financial fraud in U. S. history. He stole millions maybe billions of dollars from unsuspecting clients. Lives were shattered and fortunes ruined. He was a very savvy business man and trader until his investment scandals were revealed at the end of 2008. Bernard Madoff is a former American businessman, stockbroker, investment advisor, and financier. He is a former non-executive chairman of NASDAQ stock market.As the former chairman of the NASDAQ, Bernard Madoff had built a reputable business domain that continuously paid admirable dividends to investors; howev er, during the investigations by several federal government agencies, devastating facts against Bernard Madoff proved that he was running an elaborate ponzi scheme in order to attract a large number of investors from all over the world. (NBC, 2009) (â€Å"Bernard Madoff Fraud,† 2012) Bernard Madoff managed and controlled his ponzi scheme by using an Investment Securities Limited Liability Company he founded in 1960.He was chairman of this company and continued to operate his scheme until he was discovered in 2008. The fraud concerning Bernard Madoff was and still is the being covered by the media and it is suspected that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was notified and made aware on more than one occasion about this matter but they chose to ignore the information given to them. Perhaps there are more charges that can be filed, although Madoff’s numerous offenses may already be enough to keep him in prison for the rest of his life. Markopolos, 2010) (â€Å"Bernard Madoff Fraud,† 2012) How Madoff Executed the Fraud Madoff’s scheme to defraud his clients at Bernard Lawrence Madoff Investment Securities (BLMIS) began as early as 1980 and lasted until its exposure in 2008. Bernard carried out this scheme by soliciting billions of dollars under false pretenses, failing to invest investors’ funds as promised, and misappropriating and converting investors’ funds to benefit Madoff, himself, and others without the knowledge or authority of the investors.To execute the scheme, Madoff solicited and caused others to solicit potential clients to open trading accounts with Bernard Lawrence Madoff Investment Securities (BLMIS) on the basis of a promise from him. He promised to use investor funds to purchase shares of common stock, options and other securities of large, well-known corporations, and representations that he would accomplish high rates of return for client, with limited risk. (â€Å"United stat es of,† 2009) Among other things, MADOFF marketed to clients and prospective clients an investment strategy referred to as a â€Å"split strike conversion† strategy.Clients were promised that Bernard Lawrence Madoff Investment Securities (BLMIS) would invest their funds in a basket of approximately 35-50 common stocks within the Standard & Poor's 100 Index (the â€Å"S&P l00†), a collection of the 100 largest publicly traded companies in terms of their market capitalization. MADOFF claimed that he would select a basket of stocks that would closely mimic the price movements of the S;P 100. MADOFF urther claimed that he would opportunistically time those purchases, and would be â€Å"out of the market intermittently, investing clients' funds in these periods in United States Government issued securities such as United States Treasury bills. MADOFF also claimed that he would hedge the investments that he made in the basket of common stocks by using investor funds t o buy and sell option contracts related to those stocks, thereby limiting potential losses caused by unpredictable changes in stock prices. â€Å"United states of,† 2009) Madoff’s Illegal Business Behaviors Exposure Federal prosecutors filed a total of eleven charges against Bernard Madoff. The first of those charges was for securities fraud. The crime of securities fraud involves false claims of investment security holdings, and misinformation regarding stocks and brokerage advice. Sensational insider information is also considered a component of this criminal activity. Another major charge involved three counts of money laundering, both domestically and through international accounts.Money laundering is the funneling of revenue acquired illegally into new monetary arrangements, with the intent of concealing this revenue’s original origins. Plus, in connection with both his securities and investment adviser businesses, prosecutors also charged Madoff with mail and wire fraud. These offenses involve initiating schemes using either the United States Postal Service or telephone systems toward obtaining money and/or property in a false or unlawful manner. (Tomaszewshi, 2010) Perpetrators Involved in Bernard Madoff’s FraudIt’s certainly not uncommon for one’s son or daughter to enter into an identical business relationship as a successful family member such as a parent. However, in Bernie Madoff’s case this approach was taken to extreme levels of nepotism. Peter Madoff entered his brother’s firm in 1967, and as business prospered he began to accumulate several executive titles: Senior Managing Director, Head of Trading, and even Chief Compliance Officer for both the broker-dealer and more secretive investment advisor business models.Bernie’s sons Mark and Andrew joined the firm in the mid-to-late 1980s, and eventually were made co-directors of Madoff Securities International in London, England. Bernieà ¢â‚¬â„¢s nephew Charles joined up in 1978, and became the Director of Administration for the investment firm. And Peter’s daughter Shana was hired on in 1995, and served as in-house Legal Counsel and Rules Compliance attorney for the broker-dealer business. Other parties greatly impacted by Bernie Madoff’s activities were his business associates and their many clients over the decades.For example, Frank Avellino and Michael Bienes themselves funneled over three thousand clients to Madoff’s investment advisory business. Madoff had consistently advised the pair to remain unregistered in their dealings. But when the SEC accused the duo of illegally selling securities, Madoff pretended ignorance of their activities, even though he had secretly instructed them all along. For their trouble, Avellino and Bienes were forced to pay a fine of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars and shut their business down.Other notable business partners eventually left in the lurch by Madoff’s growing fraud would go on to include Jeffrey Tucker and Walter Noel of Fairfield Greenwich Group. Non-related people who had worked under Bernie Madoff also became tainted from the association following his arrest. This employee group includes those who may have had indirect dealings through Madoff subsidiaries like Cohmad Securities Corporation. However, the idea also applies to those employed directly, such as former executive assistants Elaine Solomon and Eleanor Squillari.Jeffry Picower was in industrialist and philanthropist who seemed to be a favored Madoff beneficiary, and made outlandish profits from his investments with Madoff. From 1996-2007 there were 14 instances of greater than 100% yearly returns and 25 of greater than 50%. From 1996-1999 his regular trading account made from 120-550% a year. Some evidence of backdating trades, instituted by Picower, has been presented by trustee Irving Picard. In December, 2010, his estate returned $7. 2 billion in profits to the government. Picower died before the settlement. (Tomaszewshi, 2010) Motives of the PerpetratorsThe various perpetrators who were involved in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme had different kinds of motives that were completely against the provisions evident in federal laws. Jeffry Picower had over twenty four different accounts with Investment Securities LLC and he operated them closely with Barbara who was also his wife. The motive of Jeffry Picower and his wife in Investment Securities LLC was to benefit from the cash windfall generated from devious deals according to reports; his investment into Madoff’s company was once worth over one billion dollars. Kirchner, 2010) Annette Bongiorno was a senior employee at Bernard Madoff’s illegal company and among her roles at the firm she was to brief investors concerning their returns which were all fictitious. Ezra Merkin was an investment expert who assisted Bernard Madoff to drain off extraordinary amount s of money from clients’ accounts and it later emerged that he had a conflict of interest in the Madoff company. With its headquarters in Connecticut, Fairfield Greenwich Company misled investors into buying stakes at Madoff‘s illegal firm and in return, the company received huge amounts of cash from Bernard Madoff. NBC, 2009) Frank DiPascali was also another essential figure in Bernard Madoff’s illegal investment scheme. One of the frauds committed by Frank is that he engaged in countless number of international money laundering activities to benefit Madoff’s scheme. In addition to this, DiPascali also gave Mr. Madoff expert advice on how to go about his illegal businesses without being caught or detected by the federal authorities. (Arvedlund, 2010) (â€Å"Bernard Madoff fraud,† 2012) Controls That Could Have Deterred the Fraud from OccurringDespite the fact that Bernard Madoff’s investment fraud was one of the largest to ever rock the Unit ed States of America, there are various strategies that might have prevented or deterred the fraud from occurring. To begin with, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) should have without delay acted on the numerous signals that it received from different quarters. As the main regulatory authority of American investment activities, it would have been easy to identify weaknesses in Bernard Madoff’s shady deals.A major loophole in the federal laws of the United States of America also had a significant input towards enabling Bernard Madoff’s illegal activities to spread at a very rapid rate; for instance, there is a provision that stipulates private companies in the United States should only pay 5% of their annual revenues. (NBC, 2009) (â€Å"Bernard Madoff fraud,† 2012) Implementations That Investors Should Have Used to Protect Themselves While some investors may yet believe they were tricked into believing Bernie Madoff’s elaborate con fidence game, it is also arguable that there were means to protect themselves at their disposal.One method would be to practice due diligence whenever one is presented with new financial opportunities. Many investors were led astray on the poor advice of their won friends and family, which isn’t a fiscally sound means of verification. Independent research needs to be done on the workings of any financial organization, even those that are supposedly reputable on the surface. One should investigate third-party custodial relationships at investment firms, and review their auditing practices. (Tomaszewski, 2010) Another way to avoid fraud is to actively request documentation.Hand written notes from intermediaries are highly suspicious evidence that revenue is being transacted in a professional manner. Getting activity in writing must be joined to verifiable account numbers for auditing. Finally, a forceful amount of skepticism will often prevent one from falling into schemes whic h seem on the surface to be easy money generators. For instance, one should never believe the speculators on television. An unlicensed financial consultant is about as reliable an agent as allowing unreformed gambling addict free access to one’s personal treasury.Investors should not assume that overseers are actually doing their jobs, as even they might be in on the take. (Tomaszewski, 2010) The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Involvement Critics and popular journalists from prominent media houses in the United States of America have called into question the manner in which the Securities and Exchange Commission handled the fraud case involving Bernard Madoff. This is due to the fact that even the commission itself has acknowledged that it should have detected Madoff’s illegal activities as soon as they began.The first major mandate or responsibility of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to interpret the laws pertaining to federal securit ies; such as, the commission should have detected the fundamental flaws in Bernard Madoff’s investment activities at an earlier stage. The second major responsibility of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to work closely with international state and federal authorities towards ensuring that investment securities are controlled and channeled in the right paths. Arvedlund, 2010) Most notably the Securities and Exchange Commission failed to fulfill its mandate of evaluating the conduct of privately owned companies like Investment Securities LLC for a very lengthy time. The commission should have also been at the forefront of investigating the investment advisors who collaborated with Bernard Madoff to divert huge amounts of money from unsuspecting investors into their accounts. However, the Securities and Exchange Commission published a detailed report in the year of 2009 that documents how Bernard Madoff’s scam escaped their attention for all those years. (Strober , 2009) (Millstone, 2010)How Madoff’s Fraud was Discovered and Identifiable Red Flags His business came to be under the doubts of various financial analysts as early as 1999. They believed that the returns claimed by the company were only theoretically impossible. But organizations such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) completely ignored the doubts and Madoff continued with his overtures for almost another 10 years. He finally got caught in December 2008. He was trapped after he confessed about his dishonesty to his very own sons. He confessed to his sons of his investment business being nothing but a big Ponzi scheme.His sons now reported his father’s fraud to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Though Bernie confessed to have had started his Ponzi scheme in the 1990’s, investigators think otherwise. They believe the Ponzi scheme and defrauding of investors had begun in the 1980’s itself. Now what actually happened was that in the very fi rst week of December 2008, Bernie Madoff discussed his dilemma over having to pay his clients an amount of almost $7 billion as he didn’t have that much funds. Now within the very next two days Bernie told his sons that he made a huge profit and had decided to give away an early bonus, amounting up to $173 million.This confused the sons and they called for an explanation from their father. This is when their father confessed that his whole company worked through a â€Å"giant Ponzi scheme†. On December 11th 2008, Bernie Madoff was taken into house arrest. Had the stock market not had been in a sharp decline in 2008, who knows how much longer the fraud could have continued. (Degrace, 2011) After writing that Madoff offers the biggest due diligence lesson for investors, some argued that the red flags are only obvious in hindsight and wouldn’t have been so clear if one had to make the decision before Bernard’s admission of running a Ponzi scheme.So letâ€⠄¢s count the red flags to see if they were numerous enough and obvious enough to be easily recognized. (1) Madoff Investment Securities was both the broker dealer and investment advisor. (2) Madoff traded in the same securities that he recommended to advisory clients. (3) Madoff not only was the broker dealer, creating a conflict of interest where his firm was trading in the same securities as he was trading for clients, but he actually had custody of the assets. (4) They got into some hot water over some small compliance issues. Madoff’s firm was censured and fined a small amount $7,000.This meant they did have a blot on their records. (5) Jim Vos, head of Aksia – a hedge fund advisory firm, noticed that although Madoff’s firm was supposedly highly advanced and automated, they sent paper copies of their trading records to clients instead of providing electronic access to the firm’s trading platform. (6) Madoff Investment Securities’ auditors were Friehling & Horowita, a 3 person team which consisted of one lone CPA with a small 13’ by 18’ office in New York. It hardly had adequate room to monitor a firm that traded a good chunk of NYSE and NASDAQ volume. 7) Shockingly enough, Madoff didn’t take the usual 2/20 fees most hedge funds do. Instead he only profited from the trades that his firm was doing for the â€Å"investment fund†, claiming that this was enough. Given this form of compensation, it is very possible most â€Å"sophisticated investors† assumed that Madoff was involved in some sort of shenanigans but turned a blind eye for those stable returns. (8) Madoff Investment Securities was a family business, with Madoff’s brother, sons and daughter as well as his niece (married to a previous compliance officer) all worked at the firm. â€Å"The madoff red,† 2008) The Case Resolution Bernie was charged of federal offences like securities fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, perjur y, and money laundering, false statement making only to name a few. He pleaded guilty and was banned from security investment business for a lifetime. He was sentenced to the highest degree of punishment possible under this act; an imprisonment of 150 years. He was sent to the Federal Prisons of North Carolina where he is registered as inmate number #61727-054 and his release from prison is dated November 14, 2134, a day he shall never see keeping in mind that he is now aged 71 years. Degrace, 2011) Conclusion Investment portfolios are one of the most recommended ways to enhance economic development not only at a personal level but also at a national level. However, Bernard Madoff chose to follow the short-cut to success by defrauding billions of dollars from investors. He begun very humbly by establishing a company called Investment Securities Limited Liability Company; he had begun with a figure of $5,000 as a penny stock broker but apparently, he had accrued this money from his p revious job where he worked as an installer of water sprinklers and also a guard.This took place in 1960 but little did investors know that it would grow to become the largest Ponzi scheme in the history of the United of America. Bernard Madoff drew assistance from all kinds of corners; various perpetrators who were involved in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme had different kinds of motives that were completely against the provisions evident in federal laws. However, all this culminated in the arrest and sentence of 150 years in prison on the 29th of Junes 2009. References 1. Arvedlund, E. (2010). Too good to be true: the rise and fall of Bernie Madoff. Penguin Group. . Bernard madoff’s fraud. (2012, June 07). Retrieved from http://www. customwritingtips. com/component/k2/item/8295-bernard-madoff’s-fraud. html 3. Degrace, T. (2011, April 14). Bernie madoff fraud the history of the $50b Ponzi scheme scam. Retrieved from http://www. stockpickssystem. com/bernie-madof f/ 4. Kirchner, B. (2010). The Bernard Madoff Investment Scam. NJ: Pearson education, Inc. 5. Markopolos, H. & Casey, F. (2010). No one would listen: A true financial thriller. NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 6. Millstone, K. (2010, March 09). How madoff pulled it off.Retrieved from http://www. cbsnews. com/2100-500395 162-4862910. html 7. NBC (2009). How Madoff got away with fraud. Accessed on 8th December 2011 from http://www. theprosandthecons. com/videos/fraud/bm-how-madoff-got-away-w-fraud. htm 8. Strober, D. H. (2009). Catastrophe: The Story of Bernard L. Madoff, the Man Who Swindled the World. Phoenix Books. 9. The madoff red flags, let's count them. (2008, December 17). Retrieved from http://www. tradersnarrative. com/the-madoff-red-flags-lets-count-them-2154. html 10. Tomaszewski, K. (2010, November 21). Bernard lawrence

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Foolproof 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra Strategy

The Foolproof 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra Strategy What to Expect From 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra? You can do a mini-lesson with a little group. The expression conclusion denotes the end portion of a bit of writing. The kids who want help will get it and the remainder of your class will obtain a refresher. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. The Most Popular 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra We are also famous for our adherence to our customer's prerequisites, the promptness of our reaction to the customer's needs and our delivery punctuality. As you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Today, we need to take a step back from the research procedure to make sure we understand the right format for paragraphs. However, lots of students struggled with altering th e wording of their original thesis and instead wished to copy the precise thesis again. 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra for Dummies Here are a few characteristics which include writing effective concluding sentences. They frequently restate the main idea expressed in the subject sentence. Same is true with ending sentences. Also, remember that you don't add anything new in concluding sentences. This sentence sets the tone for the remaining portion of the paragraph. A concluding sentence shouldn't be too long or too short. Here are some tactics to form an excellent concluding sentence. The conclusion sentences should give the reader an awareness of completion or closure. On the opposing side of this paper, write the features of a good concluding sentence. You may go back to your seats. I understand when you return to your seats you will have the ability to compose amazing conclusion paragraphs. If we return to our beloved su bject paragraph an excellent conclusion sentence would be, For every one of these reasons, math is my favourite subject. We are already prepared to compose our conclusion paragraphs. Concluding statements should give the sensation of summarization of your whole body paragraphs. Including a strong conclusion at the conclusion of the writing leaves a potent effect on the readers. This is your final chance to contact the reader. Readers invest a whole lot of time and emotions in your writings, because of this, it's your duty to provide appropriate closure. Your readers ought to be at ease as soon as they finish reading your writings. Look at all these mistakes. 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Whatever They Told You About 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why The conclusion paragraph is critical since it sums up everything you've learned as a researcher and permits you to support your ideas about this issue. It ought to be a clincher rather than simply a summary. A conclusion stipulates some last judgments on the major subject of the text and terminates a topic on a rational point. An effective conclusion is thorough and elaborative, it gives a crystal clear and robust idea regarding the entire text. It doesn't make a difference to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. For this activity you'll need a partner. They'll be expected to turn and speak to their partner in this lesson. Turn and tell your partner another case of a last sentence. Turn and tell your partner another means to compose this statement. 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All the significant essential points ought to be wrapped up and summarized. First this is a rather pleasant city which is filled with very honest folks. One more thing is my village had a huge population of individuals who are all black. Here there's more space between houses and they're a whole lot bigger too. Here, folks care more for the environment so it's a much cleaner city. Within this city people seem different because everyone comes from various places. Writing is a skill that some one can learn. When writing any form of academic paper, an individual should be able to get familiar with the basics of writing. I try to meet up with students during the next day which did not correctly finish the paragraphs since they will struggle with the remainder of the writing process unless they have a strong foundation in paragraph writing. What Does 5th Grade Writing Samples of Conclusion Paragraphs for a Compare and Contra Mean? 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